Fawlty Farm
If your invitation message says you are staying at Fawlty Farm- this page is for you!
There are 20 of us staying at Fawlty Farm, immediate family and chosen family. It has a range of sleeping arrangements including shared bunks. I will allocate the rooms, but please be prepared to share a room - bring earplugs and an eye mask if you need.
If you are staying here, please come on Friday afternoon, anytime from 4pm for some pasta and a spa with my family. Party Saturday night and breakfast sunday, then home time.
We will need to try to carpool as much as possible as the parking is tight.
What to bring:
A doona is provided, you will need to bring a pillow, a sheet and a towel. If you have capacity to bring a salad - see the ‘what to bring’ page. You will need your bathers and please check the what to bring page for the party.