Rudawe Lodge

If your message invitation says you are staying a Rudawe Lodge - this page is for you!

The lodge is located at 279 Taylors Bay Right Arm Road, Taylors Bay.

I hired this place as it sleeps 18 people and is a 5 min walk from the party. It’s very basic - so manage your expectations please. It’s giving school camp, some bunks and doubles, a pool table, & a hot tub. You may be sharing a room, so please bring ear pugs or whatever else you might need to manage.

Here is a link if you would like to have a look.

What to bring:

Doonas are provided however you need to bring a pillow, a sheet and a towel.

What else:

You are welcome to arrive any time from 12pm on Saturday. Be conscious when you arrive, if you’re first, leave as much room as possible for everyone to park. Carpool as much as you can please.

Please walk to the party - there is no room for additional cars, if you need a lift or some help, feel free to drop some things off or let me know and we can ferry some people over.